
Fishing & Cooking finished...

Finished leveling fishing and cooking now and have 375 in both.
Talk about slow fishing the last 50 levels...=P

Also got my 2 darkmoon trinkets with 2 x 51 stamina on and my hp starts
fell very good right now.

We also downed magtheridon again last night on the 2nd try (ninja pull
destroyed the first try) and i got my Chest of Malorne.
This was my 4th Malorne oiece and i can collect the nice set bonus of
1400 Armour extra in Bearform and +30 strength in catform...^^

We started also to clear some trash in SSC to get some epic drops and 2 epic
dropped, a plate boots pattern and some shurikens...
I hope for the wildfury staff to drop so i can replace my old earthwarden...

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