
T5 shoulders for Minji...

Got my T5 shoulders from voidreaver which looks very nice on me.

Equipped 2 +12sta gems and def/dodge enchant (scryers).

Now i have reached the max def mitigation 75%.

Looking to get the Belt of Natural Power now to top up some agility.


Fishing & Cooking finished...

Finished leveling fishing and cooking now and have 375 in both.
Talk about slow fishing the last 50 levels...=P

Also got my 2 darkmoon trinkets with 2 x 51 stamina on and my hp starts
fell very good right now.

We also downed magtheridon again last night on the 2nd try (ninja pull
destroyed the first try) and i got my Chest of Malorne.
This was my 4th Malorne oiece and i can collect the nice set bonus of
1400 Armour extra in Bearform and +30 strength in catform...^^

We started also to clear some trash in SSC to get some epic drops and 2 epic
dropped, a plate boots pattern and some shurikens...
I hope for the wildfury staff to drop so i can replace my old earthwarden...


Magtheridon downed...

Our first Magtheridon kill came the other night after 2 nights of wipes...

Everyone cheered and screamed in the channels and vent...
After some minutes everything calmed down and everyone was waiting for the loot to be pasted
in the raid channel...(I need the tier4 chest most of all and will give me a huge upgrade over clefthoof chest)...its dead silent on vent and in the channel...everyone awaits the paste of the loot...with the knowledge that there is 2 drop of tier4 chest tokens...still silence everywhere and someone writes omg paste loot in raid channel and then without any warning the loot is pasted in raid channel...Chest of the champion, Chest of the Champion and some crap item.

Happiness turns to dust...2 pala,bla,bla tier4 tokens drop...!!!
All the 4 tanks in our guild needs the chest and this was not what we excpected...
OMG! Nerf twin drops of same tokens...if it is not for druids...=)

Leveling fishing and cooking to 300+...

Everyone out there that have power-leveled fishing and cooking understand the thing im going to say now: OMG i hate fishing it is so F... boring... hours of focusing on the small floating device gave me headdache and my eyes couldnt focus any longer due to blue spots appeared in my vision...

So back to the achievement: Fishing 200 and cooking 225 within som hours.
Have to train artisan fishing (Nat in theramore) and cooking (NPC in Gadgestan)
before i can continue the extremely "FUN" fishing again.

Why am i doing this stupid fishing?
Blizzard have implemented a boss "The Lurker Below" in SSC with needs to be fished up
by several raidmembers, thanks blizzard...

No but seriously the thing i want is the cooking recipe for +30sta and +20spi and you need to fish that mats to be able to do it. This is the best Tank food that is easy to get so ill get it too...

over and out...^^